Monday, July 27, 2009

Operation My School Is Nuts, I'm Making A Break For It

So it's an ongoing issue, one I've mentioned and complained about, that I'm always the very last one to know anything at school. Usually, it's not a big deal, like when I got to class and no one shows and I only find out later that they had to pick up their formal uniforms (a five minute process that somehow took them an hour). Then there are the time when I've been given contradicting information and adjust my schedule and lessons accordingly. It took a few times for me to catch on, but now I know not to work around anything I've been told because it's probably wrong. I just go on as I normally would, but with the knowledge that something could change at any moment. I feel like I'm training for battle sometimes. Always be alert, be aware, be ready for anything.

Like this morning. I walked into the office and immediately heard the sentence that always means I'm in for a confusing day. "You know about the meeting, right?" Any time I'm told about schedule changes, that's how it's phrased: "You know about such and such, right?" And of course the answer is no. No, I don't know about the meeting. I never know about the meeting. So they helpfully filled me in. The meeting is at 2:30, classes are ten minutes shorter to make the time, and by the way, the students are practicing for Sports Day so don't be surprised if a lot of them don't show up.

So a typical morning, the only difference being that I was forced to stage a minor revolt when I found out I'm supposed to go to the meeting. Some of the teachers couldn't quite understand why, even though I think it's fairly obvious. The meeting will be in Thai. I don't speak Thai. The end. Luckily, I had the Chinese teachers backing me up since they also don't speak Thai. Together we were victorious.

And then I received some new information. Remember the neverending confusion of the midterms schedule that ened with me fleeing to Phuket to rediscover my sanity? Turns out, it's not over. Because apparently, they are scheduled for Monday and Tuesday next week, which means classes are canceled. When I heard this, my eyes started to tear up because I was trying to keep from bursting out laughing. I don't think anyone would have gotten the joke. But here's the punchline and it turns out it's not so funny: I still have to come to school. Now, classes are cancelled on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday this week for Sports Day. Now, I'm being a good and supportive teacher and coming every day to cheer on my students in the morning and then hiding in the office all afternoon and reading. But two more days of nothing to do? I'll lose my mind.

So my plan is to think of a plan. Maybe my coordinator can work it out, maybe I'll use a couple sick days. Because I won't be able to handle five straight school days with no classes and nothing else to take up the time. I truly would rather teach. I know, it surprised me, too.

1 comment:

  1. That happened at my school too. Midterms so no classes but we had to be there. Why? It was ridiculously boring! I don't know whats worse that or yelling over students until your throat is sore.
